Freitag, 24. Mai 2013

Canada Plans

"Guten Tag" from Germany. This year I will finally receive my high school graduation (Abitur) after I had to repeat two years (I haven't been stupid, just very very lazy). However, before I start to visit college, I want to visit Canada in the time from August till the end of September.

The only problem: Money, money money (isn't funny in a rich man's world, aaaahaaa ...) And perhaps also experience and time.

This is my first travel I am planning all alone I want to do all alone. I just want to meet some guys in Canada, maybe also sleep over and get to know some friends. I'm currently working as a newspaper deliverer and try to save some money, but it will be quite a tough goal to finance this trip.

So, why Canada?

Because of the landscapes, because of this electrifying cities, because of the people, because of the history, because, because, because ... There are so many reasons. I have always been more affected to Canada than to any other country. Even in my childhood I was interested in every book or show which had Canada as a topic.

Well, I hope to find some Canucks who can give me advice and maybe also some Germans (maybe even guys who go there at the same time)

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